Would you like to see more mapping on BikeMaps.org in your city or area? We have found that having a local BikeMaps “champion” on the ground really helps drive interest in the project. Here are some ideas to assist in spreading the word:
• Follow@BikeMapsTeam on Twitter link and retweet any tweets that pertain to issues, events, or ideas for your area. Tag local cycling advocacy groups or other possibly interested twitter followers when you retweet.
• Like us on Facebook and share or like our posts. link
• Print off BikeMaps flyers to put up in local businesses, such as bike stores and coffee shops. Flyers can also be placed in public spaces such as libraries, recreation centres, and on university/college bulletin boards. Contact us for flyers: info@bikemaps.org
• Ask local cycling groups if you can post a short article about BikeMaps.org on their website. (We have one available.)
• Do you have a connection in the local media? Give them a “tip” about BikeMaps.org and put them in touch with us.
• Hand out BikeMaps.org swag at community events or among friends and colleagues that bike. We are more than happy to send you a “care package”.
• Help us improve BikeMaps.org for your location by obtaining digital maps of cycling infrastructure (bike lanes, pathways, etc.). These are usually available from the municipality.
• Encourage interested people or groups to get in touch, particularly if they have any questions: info@bikemaps.org
• Let us know about any specific bike issues in your area that might benefit from more BikeMaps.org data.
• Suggestions for local funding sources are always welcome and could lead to increased promotion and research projects specific to your area.
We are always interested in feedback. What worked well and what fell flat in your promotion efforts? How can we further improve BikeMaps.org?